Information For Recipients of Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)

Many consumers recently received a copy of the TRO entered by the Court in the FTC action against Michael and Valerie Rando and their various corporate entities, including The Credit Game University (“the Defendants”). As part of the Court’s Order, the Defendants were required to send that Order to you. You as consumers have no obligations under the TRO.

As part of the Court’s TRO, the Court appointed Maria M. Yip as Receiver over the Corporate Defendants, meaning she now stands in the shoes of these entities. However, she is not representing the Randos or their interests in this case. Rather, it is her job to marshal the assets of the Receivership Entities and report to the Court as to whether the businesses can be run legally and profitably.  She will file her first report with the Court on June 13, 2022, just prior to the Court’s hearing on the FTC’s motion for preliminary injunction which will be held on June 17, 2022.

As former or current customers of the Credit Game University (or affiliated entities), what do you do now?

  • You can always check on this website for new information as events unfold or papers are filed with the Court.
  • Also, please go to the Registration tab and register. This will confirm that the Receiver has your contact information. It would be helpful, although not required, if you provide as much information as possible in the fields titled “Item(s) Purchased” and “Comments/Complaints”. This would include what you purchased, how much it cost and if/how the product/service might have been misrepresented to you.
  • If the Court grants the Preliminary Injunction, the Receiver will continue her efforts to marshal the assets of the companies to ultimately be distributed to victimized consumers. It is difficult to project when any claims/distribution process would begin, so please understand that this process will take some time to begin and eventually result in distributions.